Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Why I Stay

As I walked outside into my yard this morning, I heard

"I come here to coax life."  

I tucked myself between ferns and azaleas in the blue chair, the chair that has been my morning home these last weeks of single degrees.  I do come here to coax life to encourage it to stay amidst cold and chemicals, despite negligence and attitudes still of control and conquest. 

And instead I am coaxed for Nature and the Spirits around me, Sun and Sky above me not only help me to stay but cause me to embrace this journey we share, this journey that is mine. 

I am one who came here to coax life and to be coaxed by life, to live Love.

This is why I joyfully stay.

What brought you here?
Why do you stay?
-Dawn, The Good News Muse 3 Feb. 2014

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