Last week, my heart was heavy and I wasn't even fully aware of it until Dr. Davis asked, "What are you feeling in this moment?" I lay on the exam table as Dr. Brent Davis, creator of FlorAlive flower essences, sat at my feet testing me. He had been quietly working for some time before posing this question.
My reply was, "Honestly? I feel like I'm dying in my core."
Dr. Davis then began explaining the importance of not labeling experiences including sorrow and joy. He referenced eastern beliefs and I replied, "And how are they in relation to the heart?"
I gave him no time to answer. I quickly shared a vision with him from a couple of years ago in which I saw bubbling gold followed by the face of Mahatma Gandhi, the great peace advocate and leader. I knew I was being shown that Gandhi had a golden heart. I find it hard to imagine that Jesus or Gandhi would share this idea of not labeling the suffering in the world. They like so many people I know today are the golden hearted.
Dr. Davis' face lit up. He went to his closet shelf and took from it a flower remedy for which he had not yet tested me - the Fuchsia Temple Flower, a remedy for grief.
I drove home the 5-6 miles from Berry Hill sensing something had shifted in me. Then just before arriving at my street, I realized my car had straddled a bird nest.
I had clients to see, but I quickly turned around to find a perfect spiral of twigs. Having fallen from a limb above, there was a nest in the middle of the street.
I held that nest like it was a million dollars for it felt meant just for me.
We were both empty.
That evening after a long day, I lit a candle made by Ayesha with Angel Radiance in Nashville. This particular candle was dedicated to Sanctuary and held the energy of St. Frances, the patron saint of animals and birds. I was tired and except for this brief ritual neglected the nest ... as I neglected me.

That's when I finally made it, with the nest, into my small Nashville yard. There by the blue chair in which I sit every morning were three dove feathers each a different size. I tucked them into the nest and held it at my heart. A lone robin began to sing as I was bathed in the most glorious light. I could feel the magic. I called for Jerry to take a photo. He did then I borrowed his phone to photograph the nest.
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17 July 2014 - Nashville, TN |
This photo of the fuchsia ray filling the nest still fills me with wonder and joy. I saw it and knew Light from the beyond permeates our earthly nest. Into this nest comes Love to fill us and lift us, each of us as well as Mother Earth in this time.
When I am willing to be empty, I feel and am filled with the power of this light and its love allowing me to feel whatever (joy, sorrow, rage) is placed in the nest that is me.
I suspect this is how Jesus, Gandhi and the many masters throughout time have done it. They were Masters of Matters of the Heart. Rather than control, they let unfold whatever was presented in the nest of the times. They held it all with great love and compassion.
As a Heartist, I am here to feel whatever is laid into this nest that is Me. There are times this feels unbearable yet I do not do this alone. I am surrounded by an amazing team comprised of Nature's flowers, birds, animals and trees as well as human team members and this sacred light. I am here to let whatever I am feeling flow through me so these feelings are altered and I believe altar-ed and honored for their sacredness in human experience.
May all who are Heartists joyfully hold what we find in our nest each day and be open to receiving the Light flowing in so all that is negative may be altar-ed and changed to Love's highest vibration.
This is the Shift I Imagine. This is the Shift that is happening.
This event was a week ago yesterday. Last night after finishing the above I received an email titled "The Violet Flame" from an internet friend. Her message was related to the above photo. Desiree had summarized Patricia Cota-Robles sharing on the Violet Flame.
She wrote "The Violet Flame is a frequency of energy, vibration and consciousness flowing into the mental and emotional strata of Earth. It's ability is to transmute into Light the negativity that is being pushed to the surface in each of our individual lives. We each as Sons and Daughters of God need to transmute any pain or suffering we or others have created at any time throughout the ages and ask that this Sacred Fire transmute into Light all of that. We need to make this specific request, asking our I AM presence to utilize the 5th Dimensional Solar Violet Flame in this transmutation into the Light of all misqualified energy which is causing pain and suffering for humanity and all other forms of life. In this way we give permission for this Sacred Fire to enter our lives and to change them into a frequency of harmony and balance."
Click HERE for more information on The Violet Flame Book.
Click HERE for more information on The Violet Flame Book.
May all who are Heartists joyfully hold what we find in our nest each day and be open to receiving the Light flowing in so all that is negative may be altar-ed and changed to Love's highest vibration.
-Dawn, The Good News Muse at Imagine the Shift
25 July 2014
To learn more about Angel Radiance click HERE.