Tuesday, November 22, 2011

This Morning's Vision

Early this morning I sat outside (very unusual for me). The trees overhead reminded me of the brain's neural networks, the web of the internet and the unseen energetic field through which we're all connected.

At 4:00 I had laid in bed trying to decide whether to get up, when I suddenly saw a similar scene with a much grayer sky.  In my vision, the face of a wolf appeared in the tree limbs and came toward me. Wolf symbolizes many beautiful things but in this instance I thought of it is a teacher. 

Then into my mind came a song line from church long ago.  I heard: "I love to tell the story of unseen things above."

Over the past few years the unseen above has been revealing itself to me showing me how the animals, trees and plants come here, how they are my teachers, waking me up to my life and informing me of these Times.

* Other than coffee, what wakes you?
* Who are your teachers?
* What's nearby even now with a lesson just for you?
-Dawn! The Good News Muse,  22 November 2011

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