Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Grace in the Grass

Over the weekend, I was episodically enveloped in a "F- you" mood born by the shit, not the Shift, I imagine.  A musing on moods will probably be born of this, but for today here's what I found or found me on my morning walk.

As I neared home, I glanced left and there was the green, green grass once tended by JD, the father of my two favorite girls.  This is the same grass lovingly rolled upon years ago by those girls, their mom and me.  

This morning I saw this particular grass and thought of how the words grass and rolling  for some connotes joints.  Joints rolled alter one's mood. 

I prefer the kind of rolling done in this yard by Alicia, her two young daughters and me. 

This family of four, heart family, no longer lives here yet their memory dwells in me and our energy resides in this yard now tended by others. I smiled inside as I walked past.  Hillsides rolled down change my mood as do memories such as this.  For me this is good grass for I've a sense of grace.

When was the last time you rolled down a grassy incline or experienced a sense of grace in Nature? 

-Dawn, The Good News Muse  18 June 2013

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