Saturday, June 22, 2013

Feather in the Darkness - A Message from the Underworld beneath my deck

As I sat on my deck one recent morning an all too familiar site caught my eye.  Scattered nearby was a handful of dove feathers.  What was a meal for hawk became a meditation for me.

Cupped in my palm, I held wisps of life's beauty and brevity mindful of Love's sweet preciousness giving of itself.  I thanked Hawk, the messenger, and Dove, symbol of Divine Love, and went about my day.

At dusk, I returned to my spot outside yet as I walked across our deck for some reason I looked down.  The 2" hole through which the hot tub electrical chords once ran remains open.  I don't ever recall specifically looking in the opening, yet this particular evening I saw suspended in the dark Underworld beneath me, chords and current of a different kind.

I wish my recorder was sufficient enough to show the detail as several speck-size spiders weaved at different levels.  In the midst of it all floated one lone little dove feather held by unseen strands. 

My day had held tears, joy and anger, a range of emotions as I tried to come to terms with our world of beauty and cruelty, light and darkness.  The night prior I watched "Nefarious" a documentary on the buying and selling of girls used in the worldwide sex trade.  This combined with horse soring, water fracking by gas companies and Monsanto’s genetically modified foods had left me immobilized, shocked and stunned.

Being outside in Nature even in my small city yard usually helps me find me and reconnect with my heart.

In the darkness beneath my deck was a powerful reminder of another reality, the story unreported by mainstream media, the Story I'm here to live yet  forget when caught up in fear and hate.

As I watched the spiders working away around the feather of Love, I heard their message of "Trust."

Earth and we are suspended and ascending, held by unseen threads, chords of Love, as Grandmother Spider and her kin, our ancestors and the angels weave on our behalf.

We and Earth are Loved.  We and Earth are Love.
-Dawn, The Good News Muse, 22 June 2013

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