Sunday, September 23, 2012

Leaf Love

As Fall arrives and Sun's angle shifts, shadows of leaf love fell on my journal one recent morning as I sat outside. 

For a year I've photographed patterns made by shadows not knowing why, just knowing the dance between light and objects has captured me.  I've longed for others to be likewise captured.

This particular morning as I pondered the interplay on the page, "We may never pass this way again" sang through my mind.  In that moment I got it. We will never pass this way again.

I don't know if I was internally AWOL in science class or if this information just wasn't taught well but it's only been in the past year or so that I've gotten the continual movement in which earth, sun and moon are engaged.  Through experiencing Science class in my yard, I have sat mesmerized by Sun's always shifting arch as it interacts with the growing, dying plants and trees around me.

We will never pass this way again nor will this moment come 'round. 

In this moment, I get to choose the pattern I hold in relation to life on Earth.  In this moment, I choose the pattern of an open heart so when shadow's fall, I am a holder of Love's light in darkness. What about you? Do you choose the pattern of Love or Fear? 

-Dawn, The Good News Muse 

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