In the beginning were the voids, twelve to be exact, little universes unto themselves, content yet alone. They sat atop the counter yearning occasionally for something more.
Nearby sat berries, a large tribe of blueberries successfully having made their heroic journey from seed to bush to bowl. Most of them, prepared to meet allies and adversaries on the Road of Trials and Adventures, excitedly anticipated the crossing of another threshold in the journey.
Thanks to the hand that stirs, one summer Saturday, the berries found allies in sugar
and pectin. They formed a community. This holy trinity did not forget as on all heroic journeys there were trials to be faced. The first was the trial by fire. Many of the berries balked. They feared loosing their individuality. They recalled the courage and tenacity on which they relied to survive prior adversaries, the birds, bugs and rain that tested them in their earlier life.
In their blueberry souls, they knew to become something greater they had to yield to their circumstances, be changed by the fire. In this bubbling cauldron that was for now their life, they joined with one another as well as their two new allies. In sixty seconds, magic was made. On the firey altar in the kitchen, the berries gave themselves to the sweetness of the sugar while allowing the pectin to change their substance. From thin to thick, they were altered.
After fifteen mintues, that seemed like forever, the hand that stirs all things gently lifted each jar from the fire. In gratitude, as the jars cooled each gave a grateful little pop, twelve tiny steel drum sounds signaled completion.
Twelve tribes, all the same, yet used in different ways over the coming months, some to be spread on breads, others to sweeeten meat and some to be given as gifts. Each berry, a boon from the soil, blessing the soul, a lone orb of sweetness, now part of the greater whole. Each jar an alchemical testament to the magic of yielding to the fire.
Each void an opportunity to.....
(Thanks to Joseph Campbell who so beautifully outlined the heroic journey in story and myth also applicable to people, communities, the planet, and yes, blueberries.)
I'll bet few who spend the day in the kitchen making jam ever thought of the journey of blueberries as the Hero's Journey. Thanks to the blueberries for the trip back in time to when I first saw Joseph Campbell on PBS being interviewed on The Power of Myth by Bill Moyers. Also, thanks for the trip back in time to Social Artistry.
Love your story. Hope you post it every year!
Here's to seeing something Greater that lies within Simplicity. You are a walking example that we don't have to do something Grand to find an epic journey, but in moments of the quiet still place of our minds, out pops a Grand thought or even better yet, a Grand noticing, an awareness that makes even the most simple action awesome.
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