Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Imagine the Shift - Do You Live or Exist?

I have lived for twenty years in the house where these trees stand. I have lived here but I have not lived here...if you know what I mean.  It has only been in these last few years that I have really begun to live more than exist.

This week before dawn with the stars still overhead and as the birds began to sing, I lay in the grass with these great beings above me.  As I looked up a thought arrived. 

'I have been in the shelter of their arms.  All these years they have watched over me.'  

Some might consider this morning story a mourning story as decades of my life have passed by.  I experience this more like grace, God, the divine watching, waiting patiently, hoping I'll realize what I carry inside.  

I have lived for twenty years in the house where these trees stand.  It has only been in these last few years that I have really begun to live here, in these four walls called home, in this flesh and bones home called Dawn on this soil and soul home of Earth.

Do you live or exist?  It's never too late for morning.
-Dawn, The Good News Muse  10 April 2013

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