Saturday, October 20, 2012

Reclaiming Fields - Children of Matter and Pattern

Thanks to the Corner Coffeebar and Art House post on facebook, I set out on an impromptu field trip to Waters Farm for "Field Day" this past Saturday.  I originally heard of Water's Farm in 2011 at Cookeville's NatureFest. One of the festival events included TN Tech professor Randy Dodson giving a tour of Tech's sustainable farm of which Randy's the tender and caretaker (and now the professor of Tech's first organic farming course.)

Saturday's field trip prompted a wondering:  How did the word 'field' come to be associated more with sports than growing things?  Think about it.  We've track and field, football and soccer fields and as a kid I anticipated school field day and field trips.

I've nothing against sports, but there’s another field where it all started.  The marriage of the unseen energetic field of dark matter and Earth's fields of rich soil gave birth to life on Earth.

The trees, plants, animals and we are the offspring of this beautiful marriage.

Yet over time due to neglect, unconsciousness, industrialization and the separation of Spirit from Earth by the patriarchy, humankind as a whole (except for the indigenous people on each continent) seems to have forgotten we are children of this miraculous joining of spirit matter and earthen body.  This forgetting has brought us to this place where Nature has become our object to be used with little consciousness. This forgetting has caused the split of spirit from matter as man has assumed the role of a god in science and research labs. 

Fortunately that’s not the end of the story.  We are living in a time when many are remembering we can consciously and positively impact the energetic field around us through our hearts, minds and vibrations. We are living in a time when many are reclaiming the local, green and growing fields of Mother Earth's beautiful body in a spirit of cooperation with Earth rather than domination.

This reclaiming is what I found happening at Water's Farm Saturday about 15 minutes off I-40 near Cookeville.  The Dodson's have a 100 acre bio-intensive farm where tilapia will be raised hydroponically, hens are outside and already laying eggs, sorghum was being made and hoop and tunnel gardens filled with greens will grow food into the winter and ultimately year round. All is in relationship. Nothing is wasted.

As children from the marriage of matter and pattern, we are alive in this auspicious time equipped to wake up and live and love with more awareness than ever in recorded history.  We are presented with the opportunity to reclaim the energy of the Field from which we come and live on Earth's field in this time of the Shift to Love.

Live the Shift ! 

-Dawn, The Good News Muse  23 Oct. 2012

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