Thursday, August 16, 2012

Small Story, Big Message in the Seed Pack of My Life

Where do I begin? Where have I been for the past month or more? Why has it taken me so long to sit down in the room where I feel most centered and write? 

Then I realize it's not that I've not written in the past few weeks.  I have filled a journal with notes and noticings none of which are complete.  Today as I get on-line to write of the morning glory and moon flower seeds, I realize my journal is like one big seed pack filled now with internal flowers important to me.

A friend some time ago sent me a message that went something like 'You write to be read, don't you?'

I thought, 'No I really write to live.'  Being engaged and tuned in to my experience keeps me alive.

Today I sit down with my laptop in the room where I tend the seeds in my journal, to find and feel the ones that want to be planted today. I feel what I wanted to say but didn't to my friend.  I feel alive.  I am connected in a way that's only been intermittent lately. So I begin where I intended with the literal seeds that caught my eye and what I recorded mornings ago. 

July 24, 2012

I just noticed the morning glory and moon flower seeds.  The bright purples and blues of the packaging caught my eye as I walked past them in the kitchen.  Immediately I wonder: 'Is it negligent to plant them now in late Summer's heat? Is it negligent to plant them when they may only bloom briefly if that before a Fall frost? 

I hear:  'All that matters is that you plant us with love.'

So I hold these seeds packs with love.  This brings such a smile to my face because I feel myself sending them love.  It really doesn't matter if I plant them or not.  As long as I hold them in love, they already blossom in the garden of my heart.

August 16, 2012

Twenty-three days later I realize the message in this small story is big.  It relates to everything.  It doesn't matter if I develop the ideas in my journal. What matters most is that I hold these story seeds in love.  It doesn't really matter how much I get done today. What matters most is that I hold each moment and myself in love whether I'm doing or being.  What matters most is that I feel and grow love in the garden of my heart and allow the Shift to unfold in me, a Shift to feeling love each moment in the seed pack of my life.

-Dawn! The Good News Muse 16 August 2012

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