Friday, February 25, 2011

On Being Stirred by Bill Murray, Magic and Answering the Call

Back Story: The "New York Times" December 2nd interview with Bill Murray referred to Mr. Murray as the "folkloric equivalent of a leprechaun or fairy godparent."  The interview prompted me to dig around in my blog for one of the Musings Mr. Murray inspired in 1996. Written in February 2011, I reread it this morning and was once again stirred.  Here tis....

"We are at this time in history standing in the Will Call of the World."  

When was the last time you felt stirred?

Fifteen years ago today my personally being stirred had landed me in Chicago alongside my partner and three young nephews. Actually the five of us didn't land we had driven to Chicago under the guise of going to museums. Our real intent was about to be made known at high noon.

Christian, Matthew & Kirk before they knew we were going to the game.
At Noon (moments from now as I write) we were at the United Center for a Chicago Bulls game with the Orlando Magic. This was in the height of Michael Jordan's career during a time in which Chicago had a waiting list for those wanting the option to buy season tickets. Three months prior, I had gone on a ticket finding mission and was ultimately promised tickets through a player's grandmother. When I doubted the goodness of this gift she repeatedly reminded me "Ask and you shall receive" and "Honey, you just have to have faith and trust." That faith and trust took us on a ten hour road trip with three little boys none of whom knew the real motive for the trip to our destination.

I was hungry, hungry to create a fond memory for my nephews as they lived through their parents painful divorce. I was hungry because I had allowed my heart to be open and stirred.

Joseph Campbell in outlining the hero's journey talks about how the hero in every story receives an initial Call, a call to step beyond one's comfort zone or cocoon.  I stood waiting for our tickets (my nephews thought we were getting souvenirs) in the Will Call area of the United Center when I heard my name called. The hurried crowd parted as an official came toward me. Assuming I was a con artist, he told me to take my children and leave. There were no tickets for us. I calmly asked him to tell the player that his grandmother said she would be sure the tickets were there.

Tears rolled down my face as my nephews excitedly quizzed me: Do we have tickets for the game? Are we going to the game?

At that moment unbeknownst to me there was another open heart, a heart willing to be stirred in the United Center's Will Call area. Suddenly through my tears I saw a ticket extended toward me.  It's owner had a voice I immediately recognized, a voice that said, "I'm so sorry. I only have one ticket left but I want you to have it. You have to stop crying before you make me cry."

Bill Murray hugged me and fled. There's much more to this story. Suffice it to say, the grandmother, our original angel in disguise, was right. 

But what matters most fifteen years later is my remembering that heart, my heart that was originally stirred. I want to glimpse, remember, embrace and return to her.

How open is your heart? How hungry are you to be engaged, really engaged in the messy, deep, rich, beautiful, painful journey of this thing life?  How do you experience being stirred? (By being stirred I do not mean the type of stirring that goes on politically these days as corporations and politicians try to stir our fear of one another and co-opt our hearts.) When was the last time you allowed your heart to be opened to be stirred by compassion to another's need?

We are at this time in history standing in the Will Call of the World.

The Heart is calling, calling to to be remembered through you, through me. How will we answer?

Imagine that Shift.
-Dawn, The Good News Muse, 25 Feb. 2011
and 4 December 2012


Carole said...

I loved this. Most of the time we guard our hearts to keep them from being hurt which oftentimes means we miss important opportunities to bless or be blessed by others. There are many opportunities everyday to give and receive blessings if we leave our hearts open.

cml115 said...

You have the ability to "provoke" a stir and recognize the Call in all of us. I felt "called" to land in Colquitt. The Universe knew, if I'd just pay attention, I'd find there the faith and trust to keep going --and then once there sent me an angel calling me to change where I was to be on Saturday.

That's how I experienced being stirred.