Friday, April 13, 2012

Voice and Vibes - Dancing with the Stars (pt 3)

In the dark my cold hands reach for my little recorder.  It makes an odd beep so I turn on my other favorite app - flashlight.  I’ve just enough light to see my recorder battery is dead then my iphone dies.

Not wanting to miss the moon while in search of new batteries nor disturb my warm nest, I reach for pen and paper.  Scribbling notes by moonlight makes me think of times prior when stories were shared by stick etchings in the dirt and later with quills on animal skin.  What was life like before writing, typing, texting, tweeting and the myriad of ways in which we technologically communicate and share story today? 

Stories were passed along person to person, through voice and vibration dancing on invisible waves of air.  These mornings the stars and moon share their energy with me on those same air waves which remind me of those who watch “Dancing with the Stars.” 

Airwaves transport story to televisions and computers world wide.  This gift of these times has a potential down side it seems.  I wonder if viewers ever get lost watching others dance?  Do they realize they’ve a personal story line?

Under the dark morning sky, I wonder what stories and messages the stars are passing along.    

When I’m really quite and my mind is still, I feel their vibes. I hear their invitation:  Shall we dance?

(Click "Being (Really) Seen" for pt. 4)
-Dawn! The Good News Muse, 13 April 2012

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