Friday, April 13, 2012

The Big Dance - Dancing with the Stars (pt. 7)

(This is #7 of 7 in "Dancing with the Stars."

Of all the stories shared in the media today, there’s a headline unseen.  The arrival of Divine Love in our global consciousness coming in on those pathways the souls and bird songs traveled today. It’s evidenced in the multitudes waking up to join the big dance with the stars, a dance already occurring at the grass roots level found in communities big and small, sprinkled all around the internet. 

A story is rising from Earth, a story connected to the stars.   

This isn’t something I know mentally although I subscribe to an internet astrology report and read of conjunctions, sextiles, trines and retrogrades.  Being visual and an experiencer, I don’t often understand things I read, yet I sense this and feel it.   

It is a heart line, a heart line about to make head lines.  It is a heart line inviting us to the Big Dance between Earth and the stars, the dance for which we were born.  

I want to write “Let the dance begin” but I know the stars on the heavenly wall paper I see each morning and night are already dancing.  They just need us. I hope you’ll join in. 

-Dawn! The Good News Muse, 13 April 2012

P.S. After writing this series yesterday,  I decided to research Sagittarius and Nunki as well as Vega. (See part 1) I learned that Sagittarius has the distinction of sitting at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.  Because of this when you look at Sagittarius, you’re actually looking down the entire length of our galaxy where there are billions of stars so many that the center of the galaxy is hidden because of them.

I also learned Vega in 12,000 BC was the Northern Pole star and will be so again thousands of years from now.  Next to the Sun, Vega is considered by astronomers to be the most important star.  But what really made me know I’ve a kinship with this star was learning that the constellation in which Vega resides was considered a vulture by ancient Egyptians.  I am mesmerized by vultures. Then I read that Chinese myth called Vega “Weaving Girl” and in Babylonian astronomy Vega may have been called The Messenger of Light. 

I read this information as tears of deep joy rolled down my face.  I often feel my stories are weavings as I return light to my life and now I feel even more that I am dancing with stars and they too are engaged with me. But it's not just my dance. It's your dance too.  

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