Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Key

As he hurriedly breezed through the kitchen headed to work this morning Jerry asked: Do you still need the key?

I did. I had already been looking for his other key chain, the one not related to the car, so I could take the needed key.  It wasn't to be found. 

This wasn't a life or death matter, but because he really wanted me to have the misplaced key, Jerry walked out the door with an energy that to me felt impatient and frustrated.  I caught myself about to wish he wasn't leaving in that space.  Instead I breathed deeply and felt relief.  That's when I heard my friend Maryann say, "Yeah!"

Maryann lives in Maine and at times also in my head.  Her "Yeah" was followed by "Jerry gets to be upset and you get to stay where you are regardless of his upset." 

If you're thick skinned this is a no brainer and sounds so simple. For me, a sensitive, this is huge.  I had been in a deeply happy place so I stayed there and got even happier.  (Typically I would have been frustrated that he was frustrated and thus totally derailed from the space I was in before he came downstairs.)

Staying on my path and not leaving my insides whether I'm seeking a key or seeking justice has been one of my greatest relational challenges. 

Being, feeling and sensing me and not leaving me is the key, the most important key. 

Ten minutes later, the phone rang.  Jerry in his dear, calm voice said:  I found the key. 

I smiled...and am still smiling for we both found the key.  
-Dawn, The Good News Muse 19 April 2012

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