Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Healthcare Plan - Option Venus

I seldom read my horoscope but this morning Jerry stood in the door and paper plane like sailed that part of the newspaper toward me as I sat outside.  The toss was accompanied by  "You really need to read your horoscope."

I already knew Venus was moving into my sign Gemini today.  My horoscope suggested I visually wrap myself in Venus.

Being a Gemini and thus a mental, air sign I'd usually respond with furrowed brow and 'How would I do that?'  Instead I went into the room where I do things like this (which isn't often enough) and stood. It was so simple, something else to which I'm not accustomed. (I've tended to make things too complex or hard.)

Immediately it just happened. I imagined being wrapped in blossoms of purple, white, pink, yellow, blue and red with gentle branches of new green leaves holding me, soft clouds floating in blue skies in my brown eyes, a stream spiraling around me with deer, lion, fox, cat, snake, turtle and bug at my feet, owl on my shoulder and a bird nest at my heart with a bird sing, sing, singing to piano keys that were my teeth. Oh and sprigs of green grass in place of the stray hairs I've been finding for years on my neck and face.  This felt like the most beautiful thing. I felt like Mother Earth.  And most amazing was how this magically arrived with beautiful ease, no struggle or effort at all.

Imagining myself wrapped in Venus was (and thus far still is) energetic medicine.

In addition no prescription was needed, no co-pay required and I've no harmful side effects nor pre-existing condition on my medical record.  There was no waiting in a doctor's office nor a politician with whom to  be upset in the ongoing healthcare debate.

An hour ago I concluded this piece asking that you just for a moment imagine yourself wrapped in Venus' beauty and love.  If Venus doesn't work, imagine yourself wrapped in God or however you experience the Divine.  Then it occurred to me we already are wrapped in beauty and love surrounded by nature, supported by soil and rock beneath us and sky overhead while getting to walk Earth with one another.

May Venus moving into Gemini cause us to realize ever more deeply we truly are wrapped in love.

Imagine the Shift. 

Part 2 -
At day's end yesterday I paused to check in with myself. Was I still 'wrapped in Venus?' 

After a story completed and three in process, three clients, a walk, lunch, the front Welcome mat washed for the first time in two years (embarrassing), the cats brushed for the first time in two months (shame on me), four large boxes brought up from the basement during the termite guy's ninety minute inspection, a red bud planted, interspersed with multiple calls all topped off with a broken favorite glass and a fight (that didn't involve the glass) and lengthy discussion with the man I love was I still feeling cloaked in beauty and love? 

Normally I would be cloaked in despair and sadness but wrapped in Venus I felt beauty and love. Wrapped in Venus, I knew he too is beauty and love. This made even our disagreement ultimately an act of love as we kept at it, trying to bridge a divide of differing perceptions, experiences, and language. 

And maybe for the first time in nearly twenty years rather than going to bed upset, I slept in peace feeling wrapped in Love that is bigger than both of us. (5 April 2012)

-Dawn! The Good News Muse - 4 April 2012

1 comment:

Miriam Dyak said...

Dawn, I so love Venus as a health care plan. I actually believe especially as a woman I need to feel Venus, Aphrodite, the Goddess vibrating through my being in order to stay young and healthy and able to flex and wiggle with skin that still breathes and eyes that see stars shining through in other people's eyes.