Two weeks ago while running during a morning walk, I was focused on the sidewalk before me when suddenly I stopped. It felt as if something from the outside stopped me. I looked up to find I was by the tree. I had forgotten the heart tree, a tree that has meant so much to me.
On this particular day I also noticed the eye above the heart. Concentric circles like the ripples created when a pebble is tossed onto a pond's smooth surface surrounded the eye.
I was reminded of the energetic ripples moving across the unseen field of energy about each of us when an intention is spoken or energetically sent out. I wondered how my days would be different if I practiced more diligently living from the place of seeing and hearing with my heart's eyes and ears. Might I not so easily disconnect?
I recorded these thoughts then rushed home to work forgetting this encounter as the day unfolded.
In the ensuing two weeks, I found a dead bunny and squirrel in my yard and was present to the living and dying of a tiny goldfinch that hit the window as I stood looking out one morning. I experienced grace with each of these dear animals yet eventually I slowly disconnected.
Early one morning this week, I set out specifically for the heart tree. I had awakened in the night hearing "Go to the Sun within." I knew this Sun was my heart yet thought, 'How do I go to my heart when I can't feel its presence?' Something in me needed to see the tree even in thirty degree weather.
I arrived and immediately knew why. Two icicles hung from the bottom of the heart. My breath was taken as one released a golden drop just as I walked up to the tree.
Here on this tree passed by thousands of cars and people each week were the moving hieroglyphics to heal the world's ills. I was being shown how the golden tears of deep compassion dropping into Earth's energetic field send out ripples of healing love touching all. Golden tears flow from thawing golden hearts.
I so know this to be true. My personal challenge is to stay connected to my heart amidst busyness, distractions, the world's injustices and suffering. Yet this is easy when I live through my heart for in the flowing tears I also feel great joy.
Isn't this one of the reasons those of us with golden hearts are here especially in this time ? Our hearts have the ability to turn pain into peace and sorrow into joy.
Today, in this moment, I imagine the millions of Golden Hearts on Mother Earth thawing and flowing with golden tears bringing healing and peace to all. I imagine millions of us "touching trunks" welcoming one another to this time on Earth and being reminded we are not alone.
Live this Shift with me!
(After experiencing the tree, I ran home and grabbed my camera to share the experience. This quick little video is all I could capture as one icicle had already melted and my battery was running low. You get the message. - Dawn)
-Dawn, The Good News Muse, 8 March 2013
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