Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dark Matter Wants to Heal Dark Matters - Imagine the Shift

Last night as I lay in bed my field of vision opened, the curtains of darkness parted and I was suddenly in the stars.  Lines of translucent light reminiscent of crocheted doilies kaleidoscopically turned, unfolding before me.  I heard the word Dreamweaver.  I recorded what I saw then fell asleep.

Granny's handmade doilies
This morning I knew I was shown the fabric of the Universe, the unseen lines of energy available to be accessed and weaved by us for beauty and good.  Scientists call these energetic lines dark matter.

Dark matter is availing itself to us.  It wants to be used to heal the dark matters of this world.  
So many of us are here in this time as participants in the weaving of a new dream, a new Earth. Through deep listening, intention and awareness, Dark Matter partners with us to weave and make manifest a new world in which violence, abuse and harm are no more. 

Are you a Dream Weaver?    

 Open up.  Spend time listening.  Imagine. What is your deepest, highest dream for yourself and our world?

-Dawn, The Good News Muse  12 March 2013

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