Thursday, March 8, 2012

C-love - Four Little Creative Cloves from My Soul's Soil

Just as garlic cloves multiply in the soil, after writing the first and what I thought was the final Musing on garlic I found little cloves growing in my soul's creative soil. 

I look at the word clove and c-love (see love).  If I can c-love in the darkest of people, acts and times then my heart of compassion and my mind of understanding will grow and multiply like the cloves of garlic in my yard outside.

To C-love is the key to returning to relationship with rather than having power over.

Who decided to call it a 'head' of garlic? Why not a heart?  Yet I'm not surprised.  In a way this is perfect as over the centuries, the head's gotten way out of proportion to the heart in our world. Valuing reason and thinking over the emotional and intuitive experience has gotten us to this place of such deep divides. I want a heart of garlic with a mind, a thoughtful, open mind, of garlic on the side. 

Then as I'm thumbing through my new, old book "The Secret Language of Symbols" recently bought for two dollars at Sparta's Riverbank Books, I come upon one sentence about the symbolism of garlic.  

"Garlic is a symbol of the higher world, partly because of its link with lightning 
(traditionally said to smell like garlic)."

I've never smelled lightning although now I'm curious, but I find this idea perfect.  I've often thought the 'lower' world, the world of Nature and Mother Earth's soil, rocks, water, plants, trees and the animals is really the higher world.    

And last but not least here's for now "Clove 4" - Divine Love is like a clove of garlic in Time's dark soil, stretching, expanding and morphing into multiple cloves. This is the end of Time's long night.  Love has been waiting.  Love is ready to be harvested, gently pulled from the shadows and the dark.  Divine Love is ready to be brought into the Light from the dark, yet magic Earthen Universe.

Imagine the Shift! 
-Dawn, The Good News Muse 8 March 2012

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