Thursday, August 30, 2012

"Don't let the noise of the world keep you from the Earth you love."

"Don't let the noise of the world keep you from the Earth you love."  

I heard the above as I stood at the door last night around 10:00 trying to decide whether to lie in the small patch of grass we call yard.  With the moon overhead my first thought was 'I'll do it tomorrow night.'  This was quickly followed by 'Tomorrow night clouds may hide the moon.'  

So bed sheet in hand (yes, I keep an old sheet near the door for times such as this) I went outside and laid on the hard, dry Earth with the nearly full moon visible through the overhead limbs and leaves.  

Lying on Mother Earth is medicine, medicine I had not taken in weeks.  I lay there and said aloud, "Mother Earth, I have missed you so.  Between the heat, lack of rain and now the neighbor's pool pump noise, I have allowed these things to come between you and me."  

I pondered the parallels of Sun's heat and the heated, reactive exchanges of the times as well as the soul drought in many people's lives and the noise with which we are bombarded unaware 

So much if we allow it keeps us from Mother Earth.  So much if we allow it keeps us from our very selves.  

"Don't let the noise of the world keep you from the Earth you love." 

-Dawn, The Good News Muse 30 August 2012 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Noise or busy ness. Busy also stops us from connecting. How many have feet that don't touch the earth each day, week or month. Perhaps weeks go by and cement is all the feet touch. It is such a renewal, so harmonious to me to connect with Pachamama, Gaia, Mother Earth. Thank you for your thoughts.