Now I know My
This got me to thinking. Maybe this is why the feminine's taking so long to rise. Cats are napping way too much. I also began to notice that when mine awake, Mystery lies when not in a "tree" most often at thresholds, literally between rooms of our house while Bogey plays with feathers I've been gifted and he's discovered.
He further gifts me as he plays, reminding me to play and take flight just as Mystery reminds me the Mystery truly does lie at every threshold that we allow ourselves to cross into the Unknown.
Then I realize maybe this napping thing isn't such a bad thing. Nearly every time I stop pushing myself, listen to my body and actually take a nap I get a message related to the rising feminine. I see or hear something summoning me as Jean Houston recently said and it's not something to be placed on my 'to do' list. There's usually a message in my napping just like Mystery and Bogey carry messages whether napping or awake.
The feminine is rising. It is all around us, summoning us in a myriad of ways. All we need do is tune in whether we're napping or awake and learn to listen be it with our literal ears and eyes to the things that touch our heart strings or to our body as it speaks.
Imagine and embrace the shift of listening with this new level of awareness today! This could help us cross the Threshold of the Mystery unfolding in these times!
-Dawn! The Good News Muse, 8 July 2010
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