Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Green in the "Dead" of Winter - Clues from Food

I love how food provides clues as to the deeper mysteries of life. Last night while washing Swiss chard one of those mysteries jumped right out at me. There in the strainer I was met by a tree, a beautiful tree of green with a red trunk and branches. The green, the color of growth, reminded me of leaves each Spring as well as the heart chakra or energy center of our bodies. The brilliant red reminded me of the vessels transporting blood throughout our amazing bodies.

How perfect that here in the dead of winter, as I've heard it called, Swiss Chard reminds me we are anything but dead. We are alive, vibrant beings with the capacity to replenish ourselves cellularly and energetically through the foods we eat, the thoughts we think and the vibration we hold in our hearts and being.

Everything is alive. Everything is coded, especially in nature where it's available to be experienced when we see and hear deeply and imaginatively.
-Dawn! The Good News Muse

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